5 Ways to Get Rid of Dandelions in Your Yard

Dandelion broadleaf weed

We’ll tell you how to get rid of dandelions. But first, take a step back and admire these unpopular yellow flowers. Dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants on the planet. They are masters of survival. Dandelions can take root in the most inhospitable, barren places, popping up through gravel and cement. They grow fast, turning from sunny yellow buds to puffs of seed in just days. To top it off, each plant can live for many years, with roots sinking deeper each year. We’ve heard of roots going down 15 feet! Here are our 5 simple tips for eliminating this weed from your landscape:

1. Mow ‘Em Down

Mow your lawn regularly on a high setting. Get out there more frequently when you see the telltale yellow blossoms (usually in springtime). Ideally, you will be able to prevent many buds from maturing into seeds.

2. Smother Them

Choke out the plants and keep them away from the sunlight they need. Just cover the area with several layers of large newspaper strips (which is biodegradable), then layer on some mulch or compost. If persistent weeds poke through, just add another layer of newspaper and more mulch.

3. Get Rid of Dandelions for Good by Digging

Dandelion plants can’t be killed by yanking off their leaves, or by blowing angrily on their seed puffs. These plants have strong taproots (long too, sometimes 2 or 3 feet!). You’ve got to dig, and dig deep. Use a special tool called a dandelion digger to remove them from the soil. This method is difficult, but it works well, if you are able to remove the entire plant and its root.

4. Apply an Herbicide

If you can’t or won’t do manual labor, get yourself a good dandelion weed killer. The non-selective herbicide variety can be sprayed directly onto the plant. Be sure not to spray the wrong plants, because non-selective chemicals will kill anything. The selective herbicide variety can be sprinkled over the whole lawn, because it is designed to kill only broadleaf weeds, not grasses. Whatever you choose, make sure to give it time to do its job. Don’t water your lawn for a few days after application.

5. Keep Your Lawn Healthy

Taking care of your soil is an important step in preventing weeds in the first place. Proper lawn and soil maintenance will keep your soil light and fluffy, and your grass lush and thick. It’s like putting up a big “Weeds Not Welcome” sign.

If You Can’t Beat Them, Enjoy Them

Dandelion greens boast more vitamin A than spinach and more vitamin C than tomatoes. Also, they are loaded with iron, calcium, and potassium. Before vitamin pills came into use in the 20th century, people relied on dandelion leaves to cure aches, sores, lethargy, and other ailments related to vitamin deficiencies.

But, once you’ve had your fill of dandelion salad, and those annoyingly cheerful weeds are still out there blooming across your lawn like there’s no tomorrow, call us at Cardinal Lawns. We can help you get rid of dandelions and other invasive species in your lawn safely and effectively. Contact us at 614-808-4446 today for a free consultation.

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