Audit Your Home’s Rodent Entry Points Now for a Pest-Free Winter
October 27, 2016
As the weather cools, the indoors becomes a cozy and welcoming place, and not just for humans. Unwanted rodents will gladly find their way into your home and try to stay all season long. If you let them, they will sneak through tiny cracks and holes in your foundation and through vents and loose door jams. Don’t let these flea-ridden pests come in. Here are 4 tips for conducting a home audit for rodent entry points. It’s an important first step to maintaining a comfortable, pest-free home.
1. Review the perimeter for rodent entry points.
This first step will take a while, but it’s essential if you want to keep pests out permanently. Walk around the perimeter of your home to examine for pests and look for any small holes that a varmint could squeeze through. (Remember, mice can get through holes as tiny as a dime.) Do this during a sunny day and look for light shining through.
Feel for air flow, too, which can be a sign of minuscule cracks. Then, grab a tube of low-VOC silicone caulk and seal up any holes you find. Be sure to seal all holes in the walls, around pipes that leave or enter your home, and around cable wires coming and going. Stuff some steel wool into larger holes, or cover them with copper wire mesh, before sealing them up. (If you have holes larger than golf balls, you may need to call in a professional.) In addition, make sure to seal cracked doors and windows, and tighten loose door jams. One perk of all your hard work: You’ll not only be keeping out pests, but you’ll keeping warm air in.
2. Check your kitchen, corners, and hiding places.
If you’ve got boxes lying around, take a close look through them and clean them out when the weather starts to get cold. Avoid piling up junk or mail near the entrance to your house. Rodents (spiders, too) love to hang out in these nice, dark hiding spots. Vacuum your home thoroughly at least once a week. In addition, regularly clean your kitchen, take out garbage, and lock up pet food. Make sure dry food such as cereal and grain is kept in sealed, sturdy plastic or glass containers. Your efforts will help ensure that mice and other furry varmints aren’t coming in for an all-winter-long buffet.
3. Inspect the attic.
Check your attic thoroughly for larger pests before sealing it up this season. Squirrels and raccoons often find their way in through chimney vents or other openings. You’ll want to make sure they find a way out so they don’t get stuck in there and die. Use a live animal trap such as one from Havahart or contact Cardinal Lawns for other options. Cover any entry points, such as the one to a chimney vent, with 1/4″-thick hardware cloth. Then simply screw or staple it into place.
4. Have the experts audit for rodent entry points.
Contact Cardinal Lawns today at 614-808-4446 to discuss your pest control needs. We can provide a thorough pest audit of your property, secure the perimeter, and if necessary, set up a treatment plan. With our expert guidance, you can enjoy a comfortable, cozy, pest-free home all season long.

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Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.