How to Sharpen Mower Blades Safely
February 2, 2017
Lawn mower blades grow dull and develop nicks and dings with continued use. This means it’s important to sharpen your blades at least once each mowing season. Sharp blades are a vital part of maintaining a healthy, lush, green lawn. Read on to learn more about how to sharpen mower blades safely.
Step-By-Step: How to Sharpen Mower Blades
- Remove the spark plug wire to prevent the mower from turning on while you work.
- Remove the blade. Use a wrench to remove the nut attaching the blade to the mower.
- With the blade securely clamped in a vice, use a file or grindstone to sharpen its cutting edge, following its existing angle. Be sure to buff out any rough spots during this step.
- Use steel wool to rub off rust spots.
- Off-kilter blades can damage your mower. Check the blade’s balance by resting it on a rod or nail from its center point and spinning it.
- Fix an unbalanced blade by grinding off a little extra from the heavy side.
- Use a grinding wheel. First, hold the blade at a perpendicular angle to the grinding wheel and run it back and forth to achieve a blunt, yet straight, edge. Then support the blade on a rest plate and turn it the other way (at the existing bevel’s angle) to grind it lengthwise to achieve a sharp edge.
- Ensure the mower is clean and free of debris, mud, and grass before reattaching the blade.
Keep in Mind…
A blade with severe damage might require a bench grinder, professional servicing, or replacement.
We’re Here to Help
If you’re sharpening your blades for the first time or need a refresher, give Cardinal Lawns a call at 614-808-4446. Not only can our qualified professionals help with mower blade sharpening, but we’ll come survey your property and evaluate what else might be done to help make your lawn look its best. Contact us today.
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