Weed Management: Oxalis Control
How to Identify, Treat & Prevent Oxalis
August 24, 2017

It covers the ground like miniature clover with little yellow flowers. It’s a persistent plant that can be very difficult to treat. It’s oxalis, and here’s how to try to control it.
Identifying Oxalis Weeds
While some people may use this low-growing plant as ground cover for its green clover-like look and flowering appeal, most gardeners see it as a weed that just won’t quit. The plant itself is made up of stem fragments and tiny bulbils. Anywhere the stem touches the ground, the plant can root, making it more difficult to control. The seed can also be carried by animals and plant itself in any type of soil.
Two of the most common types of oxalis weeds are creeping wood sorrel and Bermuda buttercup. More Bermuda buttercup is found in sunny, coastal areas. Creeping wood sorrel enjoys the sun or shade in mostly moist conditions. The leaves of both weeds are heart-shaped and held in pairs of three, like clover.
Oxalis Treatment
Getting rid of oxalis takes patience, and probably years, but it’s doable. The weed can bloom and seed any time of year, meaning maintenance is an ongoing project. One of the best forms of oxalis weed control is with an herbicide. Use a formula for broadleaf plants, and follow all instructions carefully.
If you’re looking for a non-toxic option, you could try digging the weeds out by hand, but this can take several seasons to get all of the oxalis out. Digging the plant out is better than pulling, since when you pull, fragments of rhizome, stem, and bulbils are left behind, which will simply establish new plants.
Preventing Weeds
As with any weed prevention, proper lawn and garden care will help you grow a strong healthy lawn and crowd out weeds. Regular fertilizing, mowing, and watering gives your lawn a fighting chance against weeds taking over. Contact Cardinal Lawns with any other questions about oxalis and the best ways to prevent it in your area.

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