Grub Control Tips
How to Identify and Control these Pests
June 14, 2018

As summer approaches, grass should be growing lush and green after all the springtime rain. However, if you’re starting to see patches of thin or bare grass, you may want to check for grubs. While grub control is more effective before you start seeing signs of damage, there are still several steps to take to get your grass back in shape.
Do You Have Grubs
Patches of bare grass could occur for several reasons, including drought and poor fertilization. However, there are certain signs it could be a grub problem, including flocks of birds eating around the dead patches.
To make sure you have grubs, dig up a dinner plate-sized patch of grass around the dead area, about two inches deep. If you see small, inch-long, C-shaped white grubs, you have your answer. If you see just a few insects, it shouldn’t cause too much of an issue. A well-watered, healthy lawn can survive fewer than five grubs at a time. But if there are more attacking your grass roots, it’s time to take action.
Grub Control
The best way to protect your lawn from grubs is to keep it healthy:
- Keep it mowed to about four inches in height.
- Proper fertilization helps support root growth.
- Regularly water your lawn or use an irrigation system.
If you have to get rid of a large colony of grubs, insecticide may be your best bet. The preventive compound chlorantraniliprole can be applied in April or May to control grubs that could damage turf in the fall, since it takes longer to get to the depth grubs will be feeding in July. Preventive compounds such as clothianidin, thiamethoxam, or imidacloprid can be applied in June or July to control grubs, since these don’t take as long to work. Here are some other tips for using insecticides:
- Mow lawns immediately before application to remove any weeds.
- Always follow the directions and wear protective gear.
- Water the lawn well afterwards, and allow the grass to dry before allowing people or pets into the treated area.
- Fertilizer is still important to help the lawn recover from any damage.
If you have any further questions about grub treatment or lawn rehabilitation, contact the specialist at Cardinal Lawns for more information.

Download Your FREE Lawn Pest Guide
Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.