Are Pesticides Safe for Plants
Only if Used Properly
September 6, 2018
Pesticides are made to help control the pest population in an area, but what about the surrounding plants? If you’re trying to get rid of insects feeding on certain plants, are pesticides safe or will it kill the plant too? Read on to find out.
Are Pesticides Safe for Plants
When used as directed, pesticides are supposed to help protect your home and plants from insect and pest damage. However, when the label instructions are not followed properly, pests may not be controlled, and the health of the homeowner and surrounding plants, soil, air, or water is put at risk.
Before using any pesticide, determine if you even need a chemical to solve the problem or if there’s a more natural solution. If a pesticide is the best option, research the product and its proper application and disposal. It’s better if you do more than simply read the label. Consult a lawn and garden professional for the best product to use in your specific situation.
Using Pesticides Safely
Once you’re about to start the chemical application process, keep the following in mind:
- Be sure the particular type of plant or treatment site is listed on the label.
- Pesticides should not be used on any ornamental plants or plants that will be eaten.
- If the product is meant for outdoor use only, do not use it indoors.
- Remember that most pesticides only control certain stages of the pest. Be sure you’re treating the correct one, such as eggs, larvae, or adults.
- Choose the least-toxic pesticide that will help solve your problem.
- If you make your own pesticides, don’t use any of the measuring tools or containers for any other purpose, and store it in a safe, well-ventilated area.
- Avoid widespread application by targeting the area where the pests are more prevalent.
- Don’t spray in windy conditions when pesticides can be carried into other areas.
- Avoid applications on hard surfaces or just before rainy weather to help prevent runoff.
- Try to purchase only as much chemical as you need so you don’t have to store or dispose of any leftovers.
One of the best ways to ensure safety is to hire a professional pest control company. They will know which products to use and how. Contact Cardinal Lawns for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Download Your FREE Lawn Pest Guide
Pests become most prevalent during the heat and humidity of summer. Take some time to learn about the signs of infestations before any damage can be caused to your landscape. This handy guide will teach you how to spot common lawn pests and how to keep them from causing harm to you and your property.