6 Winter Lawn Care Tips

Plan Ahead for a Healthy Spring


Just because the grass isn’t that green or growing as much, doesn’t mean it should be ignored. Here are six winter lawn care tips to ensure your yard looks its best come spring.

Winter Lawn Care

Your lawn may not require as much care in the winter as the other seasons, but there are still ways to help protect it.

1. Plan ahead. Preparing your lawn for winter requires some work before the first frost. Watch the forecast to be sure your lawn is ready before it’s too late.

2. Aerate. Before frost hits your yard, aerate the soil to let it breathe before the grass goes dormant. This will also help relieve any compaction that has built up since the last time it’s been aerated.

3. Fertilize. After aerating a lawn, it’s also good to fertilize. Those nutrients can get to the roots more efficiently and help your grass prepare for winter. A healthy lawn is less likely to have weeds, pests, and disease once the weather warms.

4. Clean. Clear any leaves, branch debris, and furniture from your yard so that it doesn’t suffocate the grass. Whether you rake and collect the leaves or mulch them with a lawnmower, they should be cleaned up before they get too wet and invite disease.

5. Tread Lightly. Try to avoid walking on your grass too much while it’s dormant. Grass can become weak if the same path is walked over too many times, especially while it’s saving its energy for spring.

6. Be wary of the products you use to treat ice on driveways and walkways around your yard. Some rock salt can damage your lawn and landscape.

Professional Winter Lawn Care

To help ensure your lawn is ready for the season, have the pros come out for a consultation on what you can do to get your lawn in shape for winter. Call Cardinal Lawns with any questions about your area and type of grass.

Fall Recovery Guide

Download Your FREE Fall Recovery Guide

Summer’s extreme conditions can take a toll on your grass and its health. Take some time to learn how to bring your lawn back to life. This handy guide teaches you what needs to be done for a full fall recovery.