Watering Your Lawn in the Summer

When’s the Best Time to Break out the Sprinkler?


It’s summer. The air is hot and so is your grass. This is the time of year you may start to see a lot of dry, brown spots appear. If there’s no drought advisory in your area, it’s advised to water your lawn to help restore it to its lush, green self. Learn about the best time for watering your lawn in the in summer in order to get the most out of your effort.

Watering Your Lawn in the Summer

If you’re not careful, you could be wasting precious time and water if you water your lawn at the wrong time. The results could also dehydrate grass even more. Here are some of the best times to water the lawn:

  1. At the coolest part of the day. The hotter it is, the faster the water will evaporate—leaving less hydration for the roots. Aim for the early morning or late evening to water your lawn and plants.
  2. When there’s dew on the ground. If you water when the grass is already damp this reduces the amount of time the grass is wet, which helps prevent the spread of certain fungal disease.
  3. When there’s less wind. Wind also speeds the evaporation process and impedes the water from reaching its rooted destination.
  4. Two or three times a week. Give your grass a chance to dry out before watering again. Remember, overwatering is also not good for the grass. The less water you use, the less likely soil nutrients are washed away.

Exceptions to the Rule

The amount of water depends on the type of grass you have. Warm-season grasses are better equipped to survive in hot climates with less water. Cool-season grasses are the opposite. Their shallow root systems draw water closer to the surface, so they need to be watered three times a week.

If you have questions about the type of grass you have and how much water it needs to thrive, contact Cardinal Lawns for a consultation.

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Summer’s extreme conditions can take a toll on your grass and its health. Take some time to learn how to bring your lawn back to life. This handy guide teaches you what needs to be done for a full fall recovery.