Oxalis: Food or Weed
More Ways to Look at This Unique Plant
August 22, 2019

Lawn weeds probably aren’t at the top of your grocery list or a part of any new recipe. However, some plants that are thought to be fighting for rule of your lawn can actually make a tasty addition to your pantry. Oxalis is one variety of this type of plant. Learn more about its special properties and what you can do with it.
What is Oxalis
Also known as wood sorrel and confused with clover, oxalis can be an annual or perennial plant. It can have anywhere from three to ten equal-sized, divided leaves that are notched at the top. The flowers bloom in shades of orange, red, yellow, or white. You may see it spreading across your lawn or overtaking open fields. Before you get out the weed killer spray, read on to learn about more uses for this common weed.
Is it Really Safe to Eat?
Not only has oxalis, or wood sorrel, been consumed for years, but every part of the plant has been used. Detach the bulb from the roots and plant some new oxalis. Then enjoy the succulent, tuberose roots. The leaves can also be chewed, cooked, or dried to make everything from tea to dessert.
Different cultures have used these plants in a variety of medicinal ways and culinary dishes. Even if you don’t want to eat it or use it to treat an illness, oxalis makes a versatile potted plant or ornamental in your garden. No matter what you decide to do, oxalis is just one example of how weeds are not all that bad.
Nonetheless, if you’d rather have a pristine lawn than treat, eat, or decorate with weeds, contact the lawn specialists at Cardinal Lawns for more information on how to rid your yard of anything other than green, lush grass.

Download Your FREE Lawn Weed Guide
Before weeds take over your yard this season, learn to identify and prevent them in the first place. Keep your lawn looking great all year!