Identifying Broadleaf Weeds
Plus Prevention and Treatment Options
July 2, 2020
Just as there are different types of plants, there are different types of weeds. Some are easy to spot, others look just like grass. Some are easy to pull, others take other tools and formulas. Broadleaf weeds are usually easy to spot because of their broad leaves, but these aggressive plants easily take over your lawn if not treated properly.
Identifying Broadleaf Weeds
The name gives them away. A stark contrast to skinny blades of grass, the wide shape of broadleaf weeds sticks out from your lawn. The edges of the leaves can be serrated or rounded, and different types of flowers may bloom from them as well.
Types of broadleaf weeds include:
- Dandelions
- Chickweed
- Plantain
- Clover
- Knotweed
- Thistle
Like all weeds, they appear in weaker areas of your lawn. These areas may lack important nutrients, water, sunlight, or haven’t been mowed regularly.
Prevention and Treatment of Weeds
The best way to help prevent weeds from appearing in your lawn is proper maintenance. Mow, water, and fertilize according to the type of grass you’re growing. A thick, healthy lawn can better choke out weeds. Any dead spots provide a space for weeds to grow. When you learn what’s causing these weeds to grow, you can work to correct the situation so they don’t return.
If your lawn already has a few weeds popping up, try to pull them out by the root. If any of the root is left behind the weed is likely to grow back. When you need to use garden tools to get the entire root out, make sure you clean the tools to help prevent the spread of weed seeds.
When your lawn is full of broadleaf weeds, treat the larger area with weed killer. There are certain weed and feed products that not only help kill the weeds in your lawn but feeds your lawn to help thicken it and prevent future weeds.
For more information on properly maintaining the type of grass in your yard, contact Cardinal Lawns. From mowing height to water schedules, everything counts towards creating a strong, healthy, beautiful lawn.
Download Your FREE Lawn Weed Guide
Before weeds take over your yard this season, learn to identify and prevent them in the first place. Keep your lawn looking great all year!