Preventing Lawn Disease this Fall

Plus Treatment Options if Needed

Lawns across the country may be going to sleep soon, but there’s still work you can do to help protect it and keep it healthy. From food and water to the right mowing height, here are some lawn disease prevention tips.

Lawn Disease Prevention

Even when the grass goes dormant, there’s still a chance a disease could spread if it’s not properly maintained. The way you mow, feed, and water your lawn affects its overall health and disease susceptibility.

Mowing. As long as the grass is still growing, you should still be mowing. You can stop once the ground freezes and the grass goes dormant. Until then, mow on a regular schedule, even if you start stretching out the days. The height depends on the grass type. No matter what type of is, mowing too short or too tall invites weeds, pests, and disease.

Fertilizing. Like all living things, a well-nourished lawn is more able to fight disease. Feed your lawn a few times a year and test the soil for any deficiency.

Watering. Wet lawns are breeding grounds for disease. You may have put your sprinkler away for the season, but if your area doesn’t get a lot of rain, you may still need to give your grass a good drink before dormancy. Watering in the morning helps ensure the blades will dry during the day.

Lawn Treatments

Sometimes preventing disease doesn’t always work as planned. If you still notice signs of fungus or other issues, there are still ways to save your yard. Certain fungicides help control lawn diseases such as brown patch and dollar spot. While these methods may work on most grasses, it’s best to follow directions carefully. Contact Cardinal Lawns with any questions about lawn disease prevention and treatment options. Let your lawn rest peacefully this winter and wake refreshed come spring.

Lawn Disease Guide

Download Your FREE Lawn Disease Guide

Even the most manicured landscapes are susceptible to lawn disease. Take some time to learn about identification and removal before one takes over your lawn. This handy guide teaches you how to spot common lawn diseases as well as how to properly treat them.