5 Pruning Tool Care Tips

For Optimal Performance & Clean Cuts

While you take a break from pruning your trees and shrubs, now is the perfect time to prepare your tools. You want to make sure the tools you use are clean and sharp for optimal performance. Here are some pruning tool care tips to help ensure effecting pruning.

Tree Pruning Tool Care

Tree pruning is an essential part of maintaining healthy, attractive plants. It’s crucial to keep your pruning tools in top condition to help prevent tearing the bark which invites disease. Keep these tips in mind before your next pruning session.

  1. Keep tools clean. Take the time to clean your tools after you use them. Remove any sap, resin, or debris from the blades and handles. Use a stiff brush or a putty knife to scrape off any stubborn residue. You may also want to disinfect the blades with rubbing alcohol or a bleach solution, especially after pruning a diseased branch. Cleaning helps prevent the transfer of disease between plants and keeps your tools functioning optimally.
  2. Sharpen the blades. Sharp blades make pruning more effective and reduce the chance of tearing a branch. Regularly inspect the cutting edges of your pruning tools and sharpen them as needed. You can use a sharpening stone, file, or a specialized sharpener for pruning shears and loppers. Keeping the blades sharp ensures clean cuts, promoting faster healing for the pruned branches.
  3. Lubricate moving parts. Tree pruning tools often have moving parts, such as pivots and hinges. Apply a light coat of oil or lubricant to these areas to help keep them working smoothly. This not only extends the life of your tools but also makes pruning a more comfortable and efficient task.
  4. Inspect and tighten joints. Regularly check all screws, nuts, and bolts on your tools. Tighten any loose components to help prevent accidents and ensure stability. If you notice any damaged or missing parts, replace them promptly to maintain the structural integrity of your tools.
  5. Store properly. Keep your tree pruning tools in a dry and secure location. Hang them or store them in a toolbox to prevent damage and rust. Avoid leaving them exposed to the elements, as moisture can lead to corrosion. Proper storage not only prolongs the life of your tools but also ensures they are ready for use when needed.

Once your tools are clean and in working order, make sure you use the right one for the job. Different tree pruning tools are designed for specific tasks. Using the right tool helps prevent unnecessary strain. Select pruning shears, loppers, or saws based on the size and type of branches you are cutting.

Professional Tree Pruning

If you don’t happen to have the right tool for a specific pruning project, let the pros help. Contact Cardinal Lawns to help prune hard-to-reach areas on taller trees and shrubs. Not only do we have the right tools ready to go, but we’ll take great care in following proper pruning procedures to ensure the plant heals quickly and thrives.

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