7 Summer Lawn Maintenance Tips

To Help Keep it Healthy in the Heat

Summer’s hot, dry weather can do a number on your lawn. If you think you’re feeling tired and thirsty after spending time outside, your grass is with you. However, since it doesn’t have the liberty of going inside for a break, it’s up to you to help revive it and help it thrive. Here are some summer lawn maintenance tips to do just that.

Summer Lawn Maintenance Tips

Maintaining a healthy lawn takes time. Unfortunately, some of that time requires you both to battle high temperatures, drought conditions, and increased foot traffic over the summer months. Good news is with the right care and attention, you can keep your lawn looking its best no matter what the weather. Here’s how.

  1. Only mow when necessary. Many lawns go dormant during summer’s dry heat. This means you don’t have to mow as often! When you do, set your mower at a higher setting. Tall grass helps to shade the soil and reduce evaporation. Plus, not cutting as much prevents scalping your lawn and stressing it more.
  2. Water infrequently. This is good news for those not wanting to spend too much time outdoors in the heat. When you do water, do so in the morning when it won’t evaporate as quickly and the grass has a chance to dry before nightfall. Aim for about an inch per week. Rainfall counts.
  3. Practice drought conservation. Make the most of your infrequent waterings by trying to retain moisture in your lawn. You can do this by not bagging the grass clippings. They act as a natural mulch and return nutrients to the soil. Also consider planting or reseeding with drought-tolerant grass. Warm-season grasses tend to withstand dry conditions better than cool-season grasses.
  4. Keep your lawn fed. The late spring or early summer is a great time to apply a slow-release fertilizer that will provide a steady supply of nutrients throughout the season. The middle of a summer day is a great time to apply fertilizer if you want to stress your grass out more (so avoid peak heat).
  5. Watch for weeds. Weeds are one plant that continues to thrive in the summer, especially if the grass is weakened by harsh conditions. Remove any weeds so they don’t compete with your grass and cause more problems. Apply a selective post-emergent herbicide to focus on specific weeds in the lawn.
  6. Tread lightly. Your lawn may experience more foot traffic this season. While it’s fun to romp on the soft grass, too much romping can damage an overheated lawn. Limit foot traffic during the hottest parts of the day. You may also want to consider creating designated pathways or using stepping stones to direct traffic away from vulnerable areas.
  7. Protect your grass from pests. No one wants to romp in grass full of gnats, mosquitos, fleas, and ticks. Pests tend to flock to moist areas, which could be your lawn if it doesn’t drain well. Keep an eye out for brown patches, chewed leaves and grass blades, or an increase in bird activity. If you treat your lawn for insecticide, make sure no one romps around until after the directions say it’s safe.

Keep an eye on your lawn for signs of stress, disease, or pests. When caught early, you have a better chance of improving lawn health without it becoming a major problem. Contact Cardinal Lawns for more information on our lawn care and pest control services. We can even help you in the fall with aeration and reseeding to reinvigorate your lawn after summer’s heat has subsided.

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Summer’s extreme conditions can take a toll on your grass and its health. Take some time to learn how to bring your lawn back to life. This handy guide teaches you what needs to be done for a full fall recovery.