Late Summer Weed Control
What to do Now to Save Your Lawn Later
August 15, 2024
Enjoying summer so far? So are your weeds. During these hot, dry days it may seem like weeds are the only plants that are thriving. Take it as a reminder that there are late summer weed control methods you can do now to help reinvigorate your lawn later.
Late Summer Weed Control
One of the keys to a vibrant lawn is saving it from a weed takeover. Even though it may be inching closer to the end of growing season, there are still ways to help ensure healthy turf next spring.
After the height of summer, temperatures start to cool and there’s an increased chance of rainfall, making late summer and early fall an ideal time to arm your lawn against weeds. Here’s how.
- Mow. You may not have done a lot while the summer grass was dormant, but your lawn should bounce back before winter. Getting back to regular mowing helps encourage healthy grass to grow. The thicker the lawn, the more resistant to weeds.
- Remove thatch. The buildup of plant materials on the soil surface can disrupt the flow of water and nutrients to the grass roots. This weakens the grass, making it a better environment for weeds.
- Aerate. Help reduce soil compaction and improve air circulation, water flow, and nutrient intake.
- Broadleaf weed control. Now’s the time to tackle those stubborn perennial weeds—such as dandelions—that are currently storing energy in their roots to prepare for winter. Applying herbicides into the fall is more likely to reach the weed roots for a more effective treatment.
- Fertilize. Once the weather cools, apply a slow-release fertilizer to help promote growth and prepare for winter dormancy. Your grass will come back stronger in the spring and ready to outcompete weeds.
- Reseed. Bare spots in your lawn are another area where weeds thrive. Fill in any spots to ensure thick grass grows instead of weeds.
They key is to strengthen your lawn to be able to store up energy and nutrients over the winter and bounce back vibrantly in the spring. Weakened grass is more likely to succumb to relentless weeds. Give your grass a fighting chance. Start now.
Contact Cardinal Lawns for help in the fight against weeds. Our lawn care specialists can help strengthen your lawn this season so it recovers in the fall, survives the winter, and comes back refreshed in the spring.

Download Your FREE Lawn Weed Guide
Before weeds take over your yard this season, learn to identify and prevent them in the first place. Keep your lawn looking great all year!