Disease Spotlight: Dollar Spot
Signs, Causes, and Management Options
December 5, 2024

The changing seasons can trigger wild fluctuations in temperature. A cold night could transition into a warm day, taking a toll on your wardrobe choices—as well as your lawn. Learn about what conditions lead to lawn disease like dollar spot, how to spot it in your lawn, and what to do if you find it.
What is Dollar Spot
Ever-changing conditions can stress out the grass, weakening its defenses and making it more susceptible to disease. Fungal disease thrives in the chaos. Warm days and cool nights set the scene. Add dew, rain, or poor drainage and you have the ideal environment for fungal growth.
Dollar spot is a common fungal disease that affects different types of grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, zoysiagrass, and fescues. In addition to the right weather conditions, dollar spot is also more prevalent in shaded areas or where the soil lacks nitrogen.
Think you have dollar spot in your lawn? Here are some of the common signs:
- Round patches of straw-colored grass about the size of a silver dollar—which is where it gets its name.
- Small spots merge to form larger damaged areas.
- Brown lesions on grass blades.
- White webs in the grass early in the morning.
While you can’t control the temperature outside, there are ways to help prevent and treat dollar spot if it’s spotted in your yard.
How to Prevent and Treat Dollar Spot Lawn Disease
Preventing lawn disease is often easier than treating it. Between the expense of fungicides and repairing the damage, there are more effective ways of protecting your lawn.
- Improve drainage. Limit pooling water and thatch by aerating the soil and breaking up any compaction.
- Proper irrigation. When needed, water your lawn in the morning to let it dry before the temperature drops again.
- Mow. Regular mowing helps keep the grass at an ideal height so it doesn’t become matted.
- Prune. Trim trees and shrubs around your yard to improve air and light circulation.
- Strengthen grass. Test the soil to gauge nitrogen levels and fertilize accordingly.
If you have to treat for dollar spot, be sure to choose a product specially formulated for the specific disease. Regular monitoring and continued lawn care can help minimize the risk of the disease spreading or returning.
For more help dealing with dollar spot and other lawn diseases, contact Cardinal Lawns. From fertilizing and aeration to tree and shrub services, we can help maintain your lawn so it’s strong enough to resist stress and disease in any conditions.

Download Your FREE Lawn Disease Guide
Even the most manicured landscapes are susceptible to lawn disease. Take some time to learn about identification and removal before one takes over your lawn. This handy guide teaches you how to spot common lawn diseases as well as how to properly treat them.