Now that it’s closer to winter, you’ve probably already prepped your lawn by mowing low, aerating, and fertilizing. But what happens when you start to see brown spots already? Don’t worry. Like leaves, grass also experiences some color changes this time of year. Here’s what to watch for and what to do if you see winter grass brown spots. Read more
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Tis the season to show some gratitude…for healthy grass. You may have already started wrapping up your outdoor tasks for the year, so here are a few reminders of what fall lawn care tasks should be checked off the list. Read more
With the weather getting colder, many creatures are busy preparing to survive the season. Depending on the creature, this may mean trouble for your yard and home. If you see squirrels running around, they could be foraging for food and trying to find a warm shelter. There are ways to help ensure the food isn’t found in your garden and the shelter isn’t somewhere in your home. Squirrel prevention starts with proper identification and may end with professional removal. Read more
With winter approaching, you may think many pests die off in the cold and you don’t have to worry about control options. Well, you’re half right. Some insects—like mosquitoes and gnats— are less of an issue in the winter. However, others may be hibernating in the warmer depths of your soil and home. Learn more about these overwintering pests and what to do about them. Read more
While winter may not be the first thing on your mind now, your grass is trying to prepare for it. This is why the fall is the best time to provide your lawn with what it needs to store enough energy to make it through the upcoming season unscathed. Here are a few maintenance tips on how to prevent lawn disease. Read more
You’re not the only one who may be enjoying the cooler temperatures and lush yard. Moles are more active in the spring and fall since the ground is moist and easier to dig through. There are ways to make your lawn less desirable to these burrowing pests. Learn more about mole control techniques to get back to enjoying what’s left of the warmer weather. Read more