Leaves aren’t the only thing invading your lawn this fall. Weeds are still growing, even if you can’t see them. Fall is the best time of year to treat your yard for perennial broadleaf weeds. This is the season they’re storing energy to take over in the spring. You can stop them by acting now. Here are some tips on controlling fall lawn weeds. Read more
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Fall is a great time for football, pumpkins, changing—and raking—leaves. Now that the weather is cooler, it’s a perfect time for preparing your yard for winter. What you do now can help keep your yard healthy and prevent pests, lawn disease, and more work come spring. Follow these simple fall lawn cleanup tips to make the most of this season. Read more
All summer long, your lawn has taken a beating. From hot temps and little water to foot traffic and wandering wildlife, a lot was going on out there. Now it’s time to reward your lawn for making it through the harsh season with some revitalizing fall lawn care tips. Read more
As the sun starts to set on summer, signs of fall color start to creep across your lawn. While those late-blooming plants are making an appearance, weeds are still thriving and reseeding. Fall is an excellent time to repair your lawn from summer’s wrath and prep it for a lush spring. Here are some fall weed control tips to help ensure the grass is the only green you see. Read more
Summer has been a scorcher in the northeast this year. For many lawns, the harsh temperatures and lack of rainfall put the grass into a dormant state. This means there probably wasn’t a lot of lawn growing or mowing going on, and that’s okay. While it may pick back up in the fall, the lawn is set to go dormant again in the winter. This leads to the question, when can you stop mowing the lawn? The answer is simple. Read more
While summer may be winding down, some summertime garden pests continue to get their fill of your yard. Even though you may not see as many Japanese beetles around, it doesn’t mean they’re not there. In fact, this is the time of year when it’s their larvae you need to worry about. Read more