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Lawn Mowing Tips

Common Lawn Mowing Tips

Before, During & After You Mow

Summer is in full swing, so you should be quite familiar with the sound of mowing. The real question is, are you familiar with the proper way of mowing your lawn? Here are some common lawn mowing tips for before, during, and after cutting your grass. Read more

Grassy Weeds

What are Grassy Weeds

And How to Control Them

Just as there are different types of plants, there are different types of weeds. Some are easy to spot, others look just like grass. Some are easy to pull, others take other tools and formulas. Grassy weeds are not easy to distinguish between regular blades of grass. This makes it easier for them to take over your lawn if not treated properly. Read more

Identifying Broadleaf Weeds

Identifying Broadleaf Weeds

Plus Prevention and Treatment Options

Just as there are different types of plants, there are different types of weeds. Some are easy to spot, others look just like grass. Some are easy to pull, others take other tools and formulas. Broadleaf weeds are usually easy to spot because of their broad leaves, but these aggressive plants easily take over your lawn if not treated properly. Read more

Chinch Bugs: Identification and Treatment

What are Chinch Bugs

And How to Deal with Them

It's the start of summer! You want to get outside and enjoy your lawn. But if your grass is looking less than ideal, it also may be the start of a pest infestation. Learn more about the signs and treatment plan to put chinch bugs in their place. Read more

Woody Weed Control

What are Woody Weeds

And How to Control Them

You don't have to live in the woods to encounter a woody weed in your yard. These hardy plants come back year after year and are as tough as the woody stems that set them apart from other lawn weeds. There is a way to stop them, but it takes consistency especially if you don't want them coming back. Read more

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternflies are Back

What You Should Do

Have you spotted the spotted lanternfly yet? Last year was a doozy of destruction with these pests infesting trees and carcasses covering sidewalks. There are some things you can do now to help stop the spread before they take over again this year. Read more