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Common Lawn Diseases

10 Most Common Lawn Diseases

Learn the Signs & How to Stop it

Now that your lawn is coming back to life, it may be easier to see where the problem areas are. Here are some signs of the most common lawn diseases and what you can do to get it back to green. Read more

Spring Weed Control

Spring Weed Control

How to Time it Right for Green Results

Spring is a time for regrowth, and that includes weeds. Timing is everything, especially for spring weed control, so learning when the right time to apply pre-emergent herbicides is important for the look and health of your lawn. Read more

About Overseeding Your Lawn

Overseeding Your Lawn

Why, When, and How it’s Done

Now is the time grass should be waking from its long winter nap and showing greener signs of life. Take a look at your lawn. Does it look any different? If it's still not looking its best by fall, it may be time for overseeding your lawn. Read more

Planting New Trees

A Plan for Planting New Trees

What to Know Before it Grows

As spring brings trees back in bloom and you thank them for the shade in those hot summer days, you may start to think about planting more. It takes more than simply digging a hole and dropping some seeds to make this plant prosper. You need a plan for planting new trees. Read more

Best Time for Mowing Your Lawn

When to Start Mowing Your Lawn

Make Sure You & Your Yard are Ready

Now that it's spring, it's tempting to break out the mower and get your grass back in shape. But is it ready? Learn more about when to start mowing your lawn and gently wake it from its dormancy. Read more

Dethatching Your Lawn

Dethatching Your Lawn

Don’t Put Away the Rake

Fall is long gone, there are no leaves to rake, but you still want to stash this lawn tool somewhere easily accessible. It comes in handy while taking on another yard chore: dethatching your lawn. Read more