Learning Center

What is Stripe Smut

What is Stripe Smut

And How to Prevent Lawn Disease

A young lawn, full of promise, with years of lush green grass in its future—it all could be taken away with a perennial disease known as stripe smut. Find out what that is, exactly, and how to prevent it from happening to your impressionable grass. Read more

Mapping Out Perimeter Pest Control

Mapping Out Perimeter Pest Control

Learn Where to Focus Your Efforts

Whether you've had a problem with pests before, currently see signs of a possible infestation, or want to prevent it altogether, mapping out a perimeter pest control plan is one of the best ways to help protect your home. Read more

Best Time for Mole Control

Best Time for Mole Control

Even if You’ve Already Seen the Signs

If you already see the signs of a mole, it's obviously too late to prevent them from ruining your yard. However, you now know there's something in your yard they want—most likely grubs—so you can work to get rid of all the pests for the health of your lawn. There's a better time for mole control, so read on to find out more. Read more

discovering and blocking rodent entry points

Rodent Entry Points

How to Identify and Block

When the weather gets colder, the rodents get bolder. Mice, rats, and other pests are going to start looking for ways to get comfy in the confines of your warm home. There are ways to cut them off at the pass. Learn more about discovering and blocking rodent entry points, signs of intrusion, and how to deal. Read more

Ways to Protect Your Lawn From Moles

Ways to Protect Your Lawn From Moles

Now and in the Future

Is your lawn looking more like a mini map of dirt roads lately? These roads could lead to a mole's paradise. If your lawn has already been infested, or if you or neighbors have had issues before, there are ways to rid and protect your yard from moles now and in the future. Read more