Learning Center

Pesticide Safety

Pesticide Safety

Limiting the Risks

Are pesticides safe? Well they're used to kill something, whether it's weeds, bugs, or disease. Therefore, they all contain ingredients that are not safe for something or else they wouldn't do their job. However, the risk of using pesticides is different based on the product and how much you use. Learn more about pesticide safety and how to help protect yourself, your family, and your plants. Read more

Oxalis: Food or Weed

Oxalis: Food or Weed

More Ways to Look at This Unique Plant

Lawn weeds probably aren't at the top of your grocery list or a part of any new recipe. However, some plants that are thought to be fighting for rule of your lawn can actually make a tasty addition to your pantry. Oxalis is one variety. Learn more about its special properties. Read more

Natural Mosquito Control

Natural Mosquito Control

Preventing Pests Without Chemicals

Summer pests like mosquitos are bad enough. Trying to control them doesn't have to be. Here are some more natural forms of mosquito control to make the process a bit more tolerable. Read more

Mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus

Is it Still a Threat?

Though it may not be talked about in the news as much anymore, there are still reported cases of West Nile virus in most of the United States. The main cause of the infection is through a mosquito bite, so the best way to protect yourself is to avoid getting bit. Here are the facts. Read more

Watering Your Lawn

Watering Your Lawn

How Much is Too Much

Everyone wants a lush green lawn. In the pursuit of a perfect yard, homeowners work to mow, fertilize, and water the grass, but there's a limit to each of these. Watering your lawn too much can lead to multiple issues. Learn how much is too much and the proper way to water. Read more

Watering Your Lawn in the Summer

Watering Your Lawn in the Summer

When’s the Best Time to Break out the Sprinkler?

It's summer. The air is hot and so is your grass. This is the time of year you may start to see a lot of dry, brown spots appear. If there's no drought advisory in your area, it's advised to water your lawn to help restore it to its lush, green self. Learn about the best time for watering your lawn in the summer in order to get the most out of your effort. Read more