Do you have billbugs in your lawn? You'll know if you notice thinning spots in summertime. Damage is often mistaken for drought stress, so read on to learn more about the other signs and prevention methods. Read more
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Some may see ivy as a pretty addition to their fences and garden walls, but what they can't see could hurt them and their animals. Learn more about this plant and some of the dangers of ivy. Read more
Think you have henbit in your lawn? Most likely found in moist, shaded areas. Controlling henbit is as easy as feeding it to chickens—which is how it got its name—but there are other ways to prevent these weeds. Read more
Dog owners rejoice once their precious pup learns to pee outside! What's not so wonderful? Dog urine damage on your lawn. Learn why this happens, how to help restore your lawn, and ways to prevent future damage. Read more
It may seem like one minute your lawn is pristine and green with no sign of weeds and then, surprise! But like most things, weeds like crabgrass don't just appear overnight. You also can't expect to get rid of it that quickly either. Here are some of the best ways to prevent crabgrass. Read more
Over time, many things start to grow mold if left out. We've witnessed this process on certain foods, but what about on things that are always out—like our lawn? There are different varieties of slime mold that grows on grass. It's not as bad as it looks, but there are still ways to deal with it. Read more