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Cover Crop Benefits

The Benefits of Cover Crops

What They Are & When You Plant Them

You may have heard of cash crops that farmers grow for sale. But have you ever considered cover crop benefits? Like anything plant-related, what and when you plant can make or break the benefits. Read more

Natural Weed Control Methods

Natural Weed Control Methods

When You Don’t Want Weeds or Chemicals

Getting rid of weeds may seem like an ongoing process, especially if you don't treat them early in the season. The process is even more specialized if you don't want to use any of the countless chemical control products on the market. However, there are easy natural weed control methods you can try and still get the desired results. Read more

No Mow May

What’s No Mow May

And is it Right for Your Lawn?

If you’ve noticed your neighbors aren’t getting their mower out that much this month, they may be following an initiative known as No Mow May. Homeowners leave the lawn alone all month to help provide a habitat and food source for early season pollinators. But is it something you should try? Read more

One of the first signs of spring are the familiar vibrant yellow dandelion weeds dotting lawns. There's much debate on whether these plants are good or bad for gardens. Let's discuss. Read more

Weeds Spotlight: Crabgrass

Weed Spotlight: Crabgrass

Identification, Treatment, and Prevention

Sometimes sneaky weeds like to trick you into thinking it’s grass. This way it can go on thriving and spreading in your lawn. Don’t let it. Crabgrass is one of these weeds. It even has grass in its name to trick you. Here’s how to find it, get rid of it, and help make sure it doesn’t return. Read more

Post-Emergent Weed Control

Weeds. They’re Back!

How to Make them Go Away

Now that spring is in full swing, plants, grass, and weeds are growing. While you want the first two to thrive, weeds leave something to be desired. Here are some post-emergent weed control options to consider. Read more