Clover (trifolium), also known as trefoil, is a common broadleaf weed. A member of the fabaceae family, it is related to California burclover, black medic, and yellow sweetclover.
What Is Clover?
Clover is a genus of plants related to the pea plant. White clover and red clover—the most common types of clover—are named for their color, but are otherwise identical in appearance.
Both types of clover are distinguished by their three small, roundish three-leaf pattern. White clovers grow white flowers in their centers while red clovers produce a purple blossom.
Because of their small size and green color, clovers can spread quickly throughout a lawn before their presence is detected. They are a resilient weed, and since clover flowers tend to take over a green lawn, it’s important to prevent clover and treat it quickly when you see it invading your lawn.
Clover Prevention
Clover is more resilient than other broadleaf weeds and can invade even the strongest lawns if it is not treated in its early stages. But the stronger your grass, the more clovers struggle to take root in your lawn. Treating a healthy lawn to over-seeding and aeration helps to prevent clover from taking root.
Even healthy lawns can be afflicted by clover. Some lawn care companies add small amounts of clover to lawns to add nitrogen to the soil, which improves lawn health. This is done in moderation, though, as large amounts can make a yard unattractive.
To control the amount of clover in your lawn, contact Cardinal Lawns today. We provide thorough broadleaf weed control and unparalleled expertise to help your property look its best.
Need Help with Clover?
Call Cardinal Lawns today at 614-808-4446 and let's talk about how we can help treat for Clover and other common Ohio lawn weeds.
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